POC (Proof of Concept) projects
Here’s some details about the projects that are helping me shaping SubwayJS (from the most recent to the first ones).
React e-commerce microfrontends:
- I am investigating micro frontends in React in the subway-react-ecommerce-microfrontends repository by splitting the react ecommerce website into micro frontends (possibly in multiple ways)
React e-commerce webapp:
- I started implementing an actual use case, an ecommerce react website, to understand the value of the library in a real use-case (session, API calls, communication between sub-systems), and also to start thinking about a possible subway-react utility library.
First steps with React:
- I implemented the tutorial mentioned before as a react web application, to start understanding how SubwayJS development looks like with ReactJS - I am not updating this project anymore
First steps:
is a playground for the micro-frontends support of SubwayJS -
this nice tutorial guides the reader toward the design of a system in a ‘CQRS’ way:
is a playground for SubwayJS API and a very basic implementation of such tutorial